Browse Books in General

Supporting Children and Their Families Facing Health Inequities in Canada

Transparency, Power, and Influence in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Policy Gain or Confidence Game?

Health Systems in Transition

In Sight
My Life in Science and Biotech

In Sight
My Life in Science and Health Innovation

Health Matters
Evidence, Critical Social Science, and Health Care in Canada

Health in the Anthropocene
Living Well on a Finite Planet

Oxford Textbook of Critical Care

Health Services Evaluation

Female Doctors in Canada
Experience and Culture

Disrupting Breast Cancer Narratives
Stories of Rage and Repair

Recent Progress in Microbiology VIII
Symposia Held at the VIII International Congress for Microbiology Montreal, 1962

Memory, Learning and Language
The Physical Basis

Henderson's Materia Medica

Studies of Rheumatoid Disease
Proceedings of the Third Conference on Research in the Rheumatic Diseases Toronto, February 25-27, 1965

A Laboratory Guide to the Anatomy of The Rabbit
Second Edition

Bacteriology Primer in Air Contamination Control

New Horizons for Canada's Children/Horizons Nouveaux pour les Enfants du Canada
Proceedings of the first Canadian Conference on Children/Deliberations de la premiere Conference Canadienna de l'Enfance

The Ethics and Politics of Breastfeeding
Power, Pleasure, Poetics

Health Humanities in Post-Graduate Medical Education
The Me In Medicine

Advanced Data Analytics in Health

The Power of Kindness
Why Empathy Is Essential in Everyday Life

Contours of the Nation
Making Obesity and Imagining Canada, 1945-1970