Browse Books in 19th Century

Editing Nineteenth-Century Texts

Derniers Vers

The Valley of Vision
Blake as Prophet and Revolutionary
The Inwardness of Things
Joseph Conrad and the Voice of Poetry

The Inwardness of Things
Joseph Conrad and the Voice of Poetry

The Quebec Anthology

Reimagining Illness
Women Writers and Medicine in Eighteenth-Century Britain

Words in Collision
Multilingualism in English-Language Fiction

The Discerning Narrator
Conrad, Aristotle, and Modernity

Évangéline: The Many Identities of a Literary Icon

The Many Identities of a Literary Icon

Media Critique in the Age of Gillray
Scratches, Scraps, and Spectres

Transgression and the Aesthetics of Evil

Making Pictorial Print
Media Literacy and Mass Culture in British Magazines, 1885-1918

A. Mary F. Robinson
Victorian Poet and Modern Woman of Letters

Dostoevsky at 200
The Novel in Modernity

Queer Atlantic
Masculinity, Mobility, and the Emergence of Modernist Form

Penetrating Critiques
Emasculated Empire and Victorian Identity in Africa

William Blake
Modernity and Disaster

Critical Alliances
Economics and Feminism in English Women's Writing, 1880-1914

The Aesthetics of Senescence
Aging, Population, and the Nineteenth-Century British Novel
Italian Politics and Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Culture
Hawthorne as Myth-Maker
Pan Tadeusz
The Last Foray in Lithuania