Browse Books in Women Authors
Lesya Ukrainka
Sonnets of Louise Labé
A Name for Herself
Selected Writings, 1891-1917
The Daughter’s Way
Canadian Women’s Paternal Elegies
Basements and Attics, Closets and Cyberspace
Explorations in Canadian Women’s Archives
Out of Line
Daring to be an Artist Outside the Big City
L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s)
Writing Herself into Being
Quebec Women's Autobiographical Writings from Marie de l'Incarnation to Nelly Arcan
Paddling Her Own Canoe
The Times and Texts of E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake)
Margaret Laurence Writes Africa and Canada
Margaret Laurence Writes Africa and Canada
Eleanor H. Porter's Pollyanna
A Children's Classic at 100
Flora Annie Steel
A Critical Study of an Unconventional Memsahib
Alice Munro’s Miraculous Art
Critical Essays
Heart On Fist
Essays and Reviews, 1970-2016
A Women's History
Reading Alice Munro, 1973-2013
Women's Hebrew Poetry on American Shores
Poems by Anne Kleiman and Annabelle Farmelant
Memory Serves
Essays, Reviews, Interviews
Memory Serves
L.M. Montgomery's Rainbow Valleys
The Ontario Years, 1911-1942
The Masqueraders, or Fatal Curiosity, and The Surprize, or Constancy Rewarded
L.M. Montgomery's Rainbow Valleys
The Ontario Years, 1911-1961