Browse Books in Science Fiction & Fantasy

Atlas of Tolkien Deluxe Edition

The Monster and the Mirror
Mental Illness, Magic, and the Stories We Tell

The World of Tolkien: Seven-Book Boxed Set

Remainders of the American Century
Post-Apocalyptic Novels in the Age of US Decline

Chinese Science Fiction during the Post-Mao Cultural Thaw

Race in Young Adult Speculative Fiction

Inviting Interruptions
Wonder Tales in the Twenty-First Century

Manifest Destiny 2.0
Genre Trouble in Game Worlds

Ring Legends of Tolkien

Aliens and Earth

Tolkien Boxed Set

The Hobbits of Tolkien

An Encyclopedia of Tolkien
The History and Mythology That Inspired Tolkien's World

The Dark Powers of Tolkien

An Informal History of the Hugos
A Personal Look Back at the Hugo Awards, 1953-2000

Monsters and Monstrosity in 21st-Century Film and Television

Flying Saucers Are Real!

From the Bible to Cloud Atlas

Channeling Wonder
Fairy Tales on Television
What Makes This Book So Great
Re-Reading the Classics of Science Fiction and Fantasy

In Other Worlds
SF and the Human Imagination

Worlds of Wonder
Readings in Canadian Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature

Dystopian Fiction East and West
Universe of Terror and Trial

Between Literature and Science
Poe, Lem, and Explorations in Aesthetics, Cognitive Science, and Literary Knowledge