Browse Books in Feminist

Anne Hébert
Essays on Her Works

Shifting Voices
Feminist Thought and Women's Writing in Fin-de-Siècle Austria and Hungary

Growing a Race
Nellie L. McClung and the Fiction of Eugenic Feminism

Virginia Woolf as Feminist

Mothers of Invention
Feminist Authors and Experimental Fiction in France and Quebec

Canadians Are Not Americans
Myths and Literary Traditions

Feminist Interpretations of Hans-Georg Gadamer

Feminist Interpretations of Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Mothers of Invention
Feminist Authors and Experimental Fiction in France and Quebec

Adele Wiseman
Essays on Her Works

Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley
Writing Lives


Line Drawings
Defining Women through Feminist Practice

Line Drawings
Defining Women through Feminist Practice

The Changing Tradition
Women in the History of Rhetoric

The Mountain Is Moving
Japanese Women's Lives

Empowering the Feminine
The Narratives of Mary Robinson, Jane West, and Amelia Opie, 1796-1812

Readings From the Labyrinth

Schools of Sympathy
Gender and Identification Through the Novel
Madonna, Bawdy & Soul

Outsider Notes
Feminist Approaches to Nation State Ideology, Writers/Readers and Publishing

Patriarchal Desire and Victorian Discourse
A Lacanian Reading of Anthony Trollope's Palliser Novel

Patriarchal Desire and Victorian Discourse
A Lacanian Reading of Anthony Trollope's Palliser Novel

Collaboration in the Feminine
Writings on Women and Culture from Tessera
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