Browse Books in Books & Reading

Experiments in Distant Influence
Notes and Poems

The L.M. Montgomery Reader
Volume One: A Life in Print

Picturing the Page
Illustrated Children's Literature and Reading under Lenin and Stalin

Writing and Reading

The Nothing That Is
Essays on Art, Literature and Being

Erotics of Restraint, The
Essays on Literary Form

Moving Targets
Writing with Intent 1982–2004


Editing Eighteenth-Century Texts
Papers given at the Editorial Conference University of Toronto, October 1967

Most of What Follows is True
Places Imagined and Real

Pugg's Portmanteau

Rhythm in the Novel

The University as Publisher

A New Translation Arranged and Annotated For The General Reader

A Study in Parallels

The Narreme in the Medieval Romance Epic
An Introduction to Narrative Structures

Mapping with Words
Anglo-Canadian Literary Cartographies, 1789-1916

Leading with the Chin
Writing American Masculinities in Esquire, 1960-1989

The Canadian Short Story

Erasmus and His Books

Trilingual Joyce
The Anna Livia Variations

Why Indigenous Literatures Matter

American Little Magazines of the Fin de Siecle
Art, Protest, and Cultural Transformation

All Manner of Tackle
Living with Poetry