Browse Books in Ancient & Classical

Reading and Variant in Petronius
Studies in the French Humanists and their Manuscript Sources

Reading and Variant in Petronius
Studies in the French Humanists and their Manuscript Sources

Reading and Variant in Petronius
Studies in the French Humanists and their Manuscript Sources

Aeschylus' Use of Psychological Terminology
Traditional and New

Parmenides of Elea
A text and translation with an introduction

The Complete Romances of Chrétien de Troyes

Elegies II

A Romantic Iconography of the River and the Source
Aeschylus' Oresteia

Psychological Activity in Homer
A Study of Phren
Lucan's Civil War

The Nature of Early Greek Lyric
Three Preliminary Studies

The Nature of Early Greek Lyric
Three Preliminary Studies

Studies in the Textual Tradition of Terence

Studies in the Textual Tradition of Terence

Erasmus as a Translator of the Classics

The Manuscript Tradition of Propertius

The Manuscript Tradition of Propertius

Royal Inscriptions on Clay Cones from Ashur now in Istanbul

Tragedy and After
The Metamorphoses of a Myth

Pindar's 'Olympian One'
A Commentary

Pindar's 'Olympian One'
A Commentary

The Making of Myth