Browse Books in General

Patterns of Commitment in American Literature

Leaving Other People Alone
Diaspora, Zionism, and Palestine in Contemporary Jewish Fiction

The Academic Avant-Garde
Poetry and the American University

Reading Mennonite Writing
A Study in Minor Transnationalism

Prison Life Writing
Conversion and the Literary Roots of the U.S. Prison System

Remainders of the American Century
Post-Apocalyptic Novels in the Age of US Decline

Reconsidering Laura Ingalls Wilder
Little House and Beyond
Hawthorne as Myth-Maker

Patterns of Commitment in American Literature

Breaking Broken English
Black-Arab Literary Solidarities and the Politics of Language

The Patriot Poets
American Odes, Progress Poems, and the State of the Union

Hit the Road, Jack
Essays on the Culture of the American Road

If God Meant to Interfere
American Literature and the Rise of the Christian Right

The Cowboy Legend
Owen Wister's Virginian and the Canadian-American Ranching Frontier

After Identity
Mennonite Writing in North America

Wallace Stevens among Others
Diva-Dames, Deleuze, and American Culture

Leo Zakuta
Reminiscences, Rants, and Raves

Transferential Poetics, from Poe to Warhol

Personal Modernisms
Anarchist Networks and the Later Avant-Gardes

Quiet Accomplishment
Remembering Cid Corman

The Oxford Handbook of Ecocriticism

Blast, Corrupt, Dismantle, Erase
Contemporary North American Dystopian Literature

Making Noise, Making News
Suffrage Print Culture and U.S. Modernism

Parallel Encounters
Culture at the Canada-US Border