Browse Books in Literary Collections

Poems for a Phantom Lover

Cuestiones candentes: Una mirada crítica a la realidad actual, desde el feminism o hasta el cambio climático / Burning Questions

The Broadview Anthology of British Literature Volume 1: The Medieval Period – Revised Third Edition

Come My Children

New Testament Apocrypha, vol. 3
More Noncanonical Scriptures

Discipline n.v.

Dispatches from Disabled Country

Discipline n.v.

Carving Space: The Indigenous Voices Awards Anthology
A collection of prose and poetry from emerging Indigenous writers in lands claimed by Canada

Jerry Lewis Told Me I Was Going To Die

If It Gets Quiet Later On, I Will Make a Display

Bones of Belonging
Finding Wholeness in a White World

On Standing in Front of Art

Legends of the Capilano

Cocktails Inspired by Female Literary Greats

Vietnamese American Poetry and Prose, 25th Anniversary Edition

Good Morning Poems
a start to the day from famous English-language poets

On Standing in Front of Art

Ghost Lake

The Broadview Anthology of American Literature Concise Volume 1: Beginnings to Reconstruction

An Anthology of Monsters
How Story Saves Us from Our Anxiety

The Crow Who Tampered With Time

Carrying It Forward
Essays from Kistahpinanihk