Browse Books in Literary Collections

Magnetic North
Sea Voyage to Svalbard

Les fables canadiennes de Jules Verne
Discorde et concorde dans une autre Amérique

menstrual manifestos for our times

Playing Dirty
A Scorching Hot Romance

Best Kind
New Writing Made in Newfoundland

Margaret Laurence and Jack McClelland, Letters
The Royal Wedding Collection: Volume 2

The Broadview Introduction to Literature: Short Fiction - Second Edition
Pleasure Games
A Steamy Workplace Romance

Swept Away by the Enigmatic Tycoon

The Flower Can Always Be Changing

Luminous Ink
Writers on Writing in Canada

Listening to the Bees

The Broadview Introduction to Literature: Drama - Second Edition

The Broadview Introduction to Literature: Literary Non-Fiction - Second Edition

The Broadview Introduction to Literature - Second Edition

The Broadview Anthology of British Literature Volume 4: The Age of Romanticism - Third Edition

Flower can Always be Changing, The

Kuei, My Friend
A Conversation on Race and Reconciliation

Experiment: Printing the Canadian Imagination
Highlights from the David McKnight Canadian Little Magazine and Small Press Collection

If You're Not Free at Work, Where Are You Free
Literature and Social Change
A Scorching Hot Romance