Browse Books in Civil Law
Civil Liberties and Canadian Federalism
The Justice Crisis
The Cost and Value of Accessing Law
Decriminalising Abortion in the UK
What Would It Mean?
Civil Liberties and Canadian Federalism
Essays on Private Law
Foreign Law and Foreign Judgments
Living Treaties - Narrating Mi'kmaw Treaty Relations
Essays on Private Law
Foreign Law and Foreign Judgments
Bad Judgment
The Myths of First Nations Equality and Judicial Independence in Canada
Breathing Life into the Stone Fort Treaty
An Anishnabe Understanding of Treaty One
Postcolonial Sovereignty?
The Nisga’a Final Agreement
Storied Communities
Narratives of Contact and Arrival in Constituting Political Community
Colonial Proximities
Crossracial Encounters and Juridical Truths in British Columbia, 1871-1921
Civil Code of Quebec in Chart Form, The
Representing Victims of Sexual and Spousal Abuse
Justice in Aboriginal Communities
Sentencing Alternatives
The Politics of Codification
The Lower Canadian Civil Code of 1866
Politics of Codification
The Lower Canadian Civil Code of 1866
Mr Attorney
The Attorney General for Ontario in Court, Cabinet, and Legislature 1791-1899