Browse Books in General

Notes on the Development of the Principal Sounds of Indo-European through Proto-Germanic and West Germanic in Old English

Kangiryuarmiut Inuinnaqtun
Uqauhiitaa Numiktitirutait Dictionary

Inuit Languages and Dialects
Inuit Uqausiqatigiit

Yiddish Lives On
Strategies of Language Transmission
The Oxford History of Phonology
Modular Design of Grammar
Polynesian Syntax and its Interfaces

Language in Development
A Crosslinguistic Perspective

A Tsilhqút’ín Grammar
Diachrony of Differential Object Marking in Romanian
Parameters of Predicate Fronting

The Future Conditional
Building an English-Speaking Society in Northeast China

mitoni niya nêhiyaw / Cree is Who I Truly Am
nêhiyaw-iskwêw mitoni niya / Me, I am Truly a Cree Woman

Linguistic Meaning Meets Linguistic Form

Contrast and Representations in Syntax

Words of the Inuit
A Semantic Stroll through a Northern Culture

The Meaning of Language, second edition

Modality Across Syntactic Categories

Linguistic Turns, 1890-1950
Writing on Language as Social Theory

Notes on the Development of the Principal Sounds of Indo-European through Proto-Germanic and West Germanic in Old English

Natural Language Semantics
Formation and Valuation

Language in Mind
An Introduction to Psycholinguistics

Gender and Noun Classification

Watch Your Tongue
What Our Everyday Sayings and Idioms Figuratively Mean