Browse Books in Language Arts & Disciplines

How to Read (and Write About) Poetry - Second Edition

Mass Capture
Chinese Head Tax and the Making of Non-citizens
Modular Design of Grammar
The Linguistics Wars
Chomsky, Lakoff, and the Battle over Deep Structure
Polynesian Syntax and its Interfaces

Language in Development
A Crosslinguistic Perspective

Joining the Dialogue: Practices for Ethical Research Writing

A Tsilhqút’ín Grammar
Diachrony of Differential Object Marking in Romanian
Parameters of Predicate Fronting

Academic Writing: An Introduction - Fourth Edition

The Future Conditional
Building an English-Speaking Society in Northeast China

Richard Van Camp on the Joy of Storytelling

Inuinnaqtun English Dictionary

mitoni niya nêhiyaw / Cree is Who I Truly Am
nêhiyaw-iskwêw mitoni niya / Me, I am Truly a Cree Woman

Language, Citizenship, and Sámi Education in the Nordic North, 1900-1940

Writing Essays About Literature: A Brief Guide for University and College Students - Second Edition

Yasodhara and the Buddha

Selected works Ghassan Bishouty b. 1941 Safad, Palestine — d. 2004 Amman, Jordan

A Concise Guide to Technical Communication

Linguistic Meaning Meets Linguistic Form

Contrast and Representations in Syntax

A Bite of the Apple
A Life with Books, Writers and Virago

Enriched Meanings
Natural Language Semantics with Category Theory