Browse Books in Limericks & Verse

Some Lines of Poetry
From the Notebooks of bpNichol

Male Pregnancy in Reverse
A Tragedy in 5 Acts

Bird Arsonist

The Cat in the Box

Cheer Up, Jay Ritchie
Poetry for the Insane: The Full Mental

The First Little Bastard to Call Me Gramps
Poems of the Late Middle Ages

Enjoy It While It Hurts

Gotta Get Me Moose B'y

Who Farted?
Stories in verse for big & little kids

Hot Poppies
Poetry for the Insane

Canadian Verses & Vices
Robbie Rhymer (alias Robert Harshaw)

Jim Bennet Rhymes Again
Light-Hearted Verse from the Laureate of Atlantic Humour

East Coast Limericks
By the Readers of Atlantic Insight