Browse Books in Humor

Canadian Words & Sayings
E-Mails From The Edge

Weird Canadian Places
Humorous, Bizarre, Peculiar & Strange Locations & Attractions across the Nation

Still at the Cottage
Or the Cabin, the Shack, the Lake, the Beach, or Camp
Cats and Their Slaves
An Anthology of Worship

Colossal Canadian Failures 2

Home Plate Don't Move
Baseball's Best Quotes and Quips

Bathroom Book of Alberta Trivia
Weird, Wacky and Wild

Satisfaction All Around
(Les Contens)

The Horned Owl

The Rivals
(Les Corrivaus)

Just One %$#@ Speed Bump After Another . . .
More Cartoons

Neighbours are Watching

Portfoolio 21
The Year's Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons

Lend Me Your Ears


Bathroom Book of Canadian Trivia

Weird Facts about Canadian Hockey
Strange, Wacky & Hilarious Stories

Irresponsible Freaks, Highball Guzzlers and Unabashed Grafters
A Bob Edwards Chrestomathy

Pitch Black

Pleasure of Fools
Essays in the Ethics of Laughter
The Pleasure of Fools
Essays in the Ethics of Laughter

As The Canoe Tips
Comic Scenes from Canadian Life

The Lexicon of Stupidity
"I feel my best when I'm happy."