Browse Books in Native American
Great Chiefs
Volume I
I Dream of Yesterday and Tomorrow
A Celebration of the James Bay Cree
Plateaus of Freedom
Nationality, Culture, and State Security in Canada, 1940-1960
A Fatherly Eye
Indian Agents, Government Power, and Aboriginal Resistance in Ontario, 1918-1939
The Magic Leaves
A History of Haida Argillite Carving
Exercises in Lip Pointing
A Way of Life That Does Not Exist
Canada and the Extinguishment of the Innu
Making Native Space
Colonialism, Resistance, and Reserves in British Columbia
Many Faces of Gender
Roles and Relationships through Time in Indigenous Northern Communities
A History of Okanagan People as told by Okanagan families
Nk'Mip Chronicles
Art from the Inkameep Day School
Heavens Are Changing
Nineteenth-Century Protestant Missions and Tsimshian Christianity
Saanich Ethnobotany
Culturally Important Plants of the Wsánec People
I Dream of Yesterday and Tomorrow
A Celebration of the James Bay Cree
Aboriginal Peoples of Canada
A Short Introduction
Preserving the Sacred
Historical Perspectives on the Ojibwa Midewiwin
When We Both Got to Heaven
James Atkey Among the Anishnabek at Colpoy's Bay
Tracking Doctor Lonecloud
Showman to Legend Keeper
Bella Coola Man
More Stories of Clayton Mack
The Impact of the Whiskey Trade on the Blackfoot Nation
Sitting Bull in Canada
Distant Relations
How My Ancestors Colonized North America
Muskekowuck Athinuwick
Original People of the Great Swampy Land