Browse Books in Native American

Indigenous Screen Cultures in Canada

A Political Crisis and Its Legacy

Giants, Cannibals & Monsters
Bigfoot in Native Culture

Urbanizing Frontiers
Indigenous Peoples and Settlers in 19th-Century Pacific Rim Cities

Edward S. Curtis Above the Medicine Line
Portraits of Aboriginal Life in the Canadian West

Commerce by a Frozen Sea
Native Americans and the European Fur Trade

Images from the Likeness House

Finding Dahshaa
Self-Government, Social Suffering, and Aboriginal Policy in Canada

First Nations, First Thoughts
The Impact of Indigenous Thought in Canada

Raven and the First People
Legends of the Northwest Coast

500 Years of Indigenous Resistance

Angels of the Workplace
Women and the Construction of Gender Relations in the Canadian Clothing Industry, 1890-1940

Frog Lake Reader, The

The Frog Lake Reader
Eci Mikoian

The Orders of the Dreamed
George Nelson on Cree and Northern Ojibwa Religion and Myth, 1823

Canada and the Métis, 1869-1885

Remembrance of Patients Past
Life at the Toronto Hospital for the Insane, 1870-1940

Negotiating the Numbered Treaties
An Intellectual and Political History of Alexander Morris

Rediscovered Self
Indigenous Identity and Cultural Justice

Native Peoples and Water Rights
Irrigation, Dams, and the Law in Western Canada

Home Is the Hunter
The James Bay Cree and Their Land

The Free People - Li Gens Libres
A History of the Métis Community of Batoche, Saskatchewan