Browse Books in World War Ii
From Down The Other Side
A Seventeen-year Journey of Discovery and Observation
The Canadian Battlefields in Italy: Sicily and Southern Italy
Sicily and Southern Italy
Hidden in the Enemy's Sight
Resisting the Third Reich from Within
Captured Hearts
New Brunswick's War Brides
Halifax at War
Searchlights, Squadrons and Submarines 1939-1945
Wings Over the Wilderness
They Flew the Trail of '42
Voices Raised in Protest
Defending North American Citizens of Japanese Ancestry, 1942-49
Way of a Boy
A Memoir Of Java
The Selected Papers of Sir Arthur Currie
Diaries, Letters, and Report to the Ministry, 1917-1933
I Luoghi Della Battaglia
An Officer and a Lady
Canadian Military Nursing and the Second World War
Fight or Pay
Soldiers' Families in the Great War
Hurricane Pilot
The Wartime Letters of W.O. Harry L. Gill, D.F.M., 1940-1943
Hell and High Water
Terrible Victory
First Canadian Army and the Scheldt Estuary Campaign: September 13 - November 6, 1944
Stepping Stones to Nowhere
The Aleutian Islands, Alaska, and American Military Strategy, 1867-1945
Modelling the Late Panzerkampfwagen IV
Crimes and Mercies
The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950
Modelling the Tiger I
The Canadian Battlefields in Italy: Ortona and the Liri Valley
Ortona and the Liri Valley
D-Day to Carpiquet
The North Shore Regiment and the Liberation of Europe
The Pacific War Companion
From Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima
One Christmas In Washington
Churchill and Roosevelt forge the Grand Alliance
A Perfect Hell
The Forgotten Story of the Canadian Commandos of the Second World War