Browse Books in General
Arming the Chinese
The Western Armaments Trade in Warlord China, 1920-28, Second Edition
No Lack of Courage
Operation Medusa, Afghanistan
Battle Lines
Eyewitness Accounts from Canada's Military History
Hell in Flanders Fields
Canadians at the Second Battle of Ypres
Deathly Deception
The Real Story of Operation Mincemeat
Backpacks Full of Hope
The UN Mission in Haiti
Solving the People Puzzle
Cultural Intelligence and Special Operations Forces
Contact Charlie
The Canadian Army, the Taliban and the Battle for Afghanistan
Calvalry from Hoof to Track
Inventing Collateral Damage
Civilian Casualties, War, and Empire
A Duffle Bag, Close Friends and Lots of Memories
The Photo Diary of Marion Swinton, WRCNS
The Canadian Army and the Normandy Campaign
Vimy Ridge
A Canadian Reassessment
Nuclear Dawn
The Atomic Bomb, from the Manhattan Project to the Cold War
Panzer Gunner
A Canadian in the German 7th Panzer Division 1944-45
No Holding Back
Operation Totalize, Normandy, August 1944
Une guerre difficile
Points de vue sur l'insurrection et les FOS
The Difficult War
Perspectives on Insurgency and Special Operations Forces
What the Thunder Said
Reflections of a Canadian Officer in Kandahar
Ce que dit le tonnerre
Reflexions d'un officier canadien a Kandahar
A Love Story
Fortune Favours the Brave
Tales of Courage and Tenacity in Canadian Military History
Canadians in the Spanish Civil War
The Canadian Battlefields in Italy: Sicily and Southern Italy
Sicily and Southern Italy