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Browse Books in Medieval

The Ends of the Body

Identity and Community in Medieval Culture

by (author) Suzanne Conklin Akbari & Jill Ross

Mary's Mother

Saint Anne in Late Medieval Europe

by (author) Virginia Nixon

The Transformations of Magic

Illicit Learned Magic in the Later Middle Ages and Renaissance

by (author) Frank Klaassen

Author, Reader, Book

Medieval Authorship in Theory and Practice

edited by Stephen Partridge & Erik Kwakkel

The Alphabet of Galen

Pharmacy from Antiquity to the Middle Ages

by (author) Nicholas Everett

Multicultural China in the Early Middle Ages

by (author) Sanping Chen

The Politics of Law in Late Medieval & Renaissance Italy

Forty Years On

by (author) Lawrin Armstrong & Julius Kirshner
foreword by Lauro Martines

Textual Cultures of Medieval Italy

edited by William Robins

The Body Legal in Barbarian Law

by (author) Lisi Oliver

The Politics of Law in Late Medieval and Renaissance Italy

edited by Lawrin Armstrong & Julius Kirshner
foreword by Lauro Martines

Cataloguing Discrepancies

The Printed York Breviary of 1493

by (author) Andrew Hughes
contributions by Matthew Cheung Salisbury & Heather Robbins

A Renaissance Education

Schooling in Bergamo and the Venetian Republic, 1500-1650

by (author) Christopher Carlsmith

Sacred and Profane in Chaucer and Late Medieval Literature

Essays in Honour of John V. Fleming

by (author) Robert Epstein & Will Robins

Averroës’ Doctrine of Immortality

A Matter of Controversy

by (author) Ovey N. Mohammed

Beowulf and the Celtic Tradition

by (author) Martin Puhvel

Medieval Medicine

A Reader

by (author) Faith Wallis & Paul Edward Dutton

Gender and Christianity in Medieval Europe

New Perspectives

edited by Lisa M. Bitel & Felice Lifshitz

The Correspondence of Wolfgang Capito

Volume 2: 1524-1531

translated by Erika Rummel
notes by Milton Kooistra

Luther and Late Medieval Thomism

A Study in Theological Anthropology

by (author) Denis R. Janz

Rethinking the School of Chartres

Myth or Reality

by (author) Edouard Jeauneau
translated by Claude Desmarais

Sacred Violence

The European Crusades to the Middle East, 1095-1396

by (author) Jill N. Claster

Past Convictions

The Penance of Louis the Pious and the Decline of the Carolingians

by (author) Courtney M. Booker

A Short Reader of Medieval Saints

edited by Mary-Ann Stouck

Sexual Hierarchies, Public Status

Men, Sodomy, and Society in Spain's Golden Age

by (author) Cristian Berco

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