Browse Books in Scandinavia
From Denmark to the Cariboo
The Epic Journey of the Lindhard Sisters
The Viking Immigrants
Icelandic North Americans
The Viking Immigrants
Icelandic North Americans
Good Governance Gone Bad
How Nordic Adaptability Leads to Excess
The Viking Hoax That Rewrote History
A Novel of the 1918 Finnish Civil War
White Settler Reserve
New Iceland and the Colonization of the Canadian West
The Viking Age
A Reader, Second Edition
The Search for a Socialist El Dorado
Finnish Immigration from the United States and Canada to Soviet Karelia in the 1930s
Ireland, Sweden, and the Great European Migration, 1815-1914
The Vikings Return
Icelandic Immigration to Canada, 1870-1920
My Parents
Memoirs of New World Icelanders
The Book of Settlements
A History of the Old Icelandic Commonwealth
Islendinga Saga
Laws of Early Iceland
Gragas II
A Scandinavian Heritage
200 Years of Scandinavian Presence in the Windsor-Detroit Border Region
The Edda
A Collection of Essays
Norwegian Resistance, 1940-1945
Northern Sphinx
Iceland and the Icelanders from the Settlement to the Present
Danish Greenland
Its People and Products