Browse Books in Ireland

Prisoners’ Bodies
Activism, Health, and the Prisoners’ Rights Movement in Ireland, 1972–1985

Finding Molly Johnson
Irish Famine Orphans in Canada

The Playboy of the Western World—A New Version
A Critical Edition

An Irish Heart
How A Small Immigrant Community Shaped Canada

Canadian Spy Story
Irish Revolutionaries and the Secret Police

Who Was Responsible for the Troubles?
The Northern Ireland Conflict

Canada and Ireland
A Political and Diplomatic History

After the Famine
The Irish Family Farm in Eastern Ontario, 1851-1881
Edward Blake, Irish Nationalist
A Canadian Statesman in Irish Politics 1892-1907

Ontario and Quebec’s Irish Pioneers
Farmers, Labourers, and Lumberjacks

Whose Mission, Whose Orders?
British Civil-Military Command and Control in Northern Ireland, 1968-1974

Atlantic Canada's Irish Immigrants
A Fish and Timber Story

Edward Blake, Irish Nationalist
A Canadian Statesman in Irish Politics 1892-1907

The Invisible Irish
Finding Protestants in the Nineteenth-Century Migrations to America

Religion and Greater Ireland
Christianity and Irish Global Networks, 1750-1969

Toronto, the Belfast of Canada
The Orange Order and the Shaping of Municipal Culture

Between Raid and Rebellion
The Irish in Buffalo and Toronto, 1867-1916

The Last House Of Ulster
A Family in Belfast - 10th Anniversay

Researching Your Irish Ancestors at Home and Abroad
Researching Your Irish Ancestors at Home and Abroad

Researching Your Irish Ancestors at Home and Abroad

Ulster's Men
Protestant Unionist Masculinities and Militarization in the North of Ireland, 1912-1923

Ireland, Sweden, and the Great European Migration, 1815-1914

Hooking Our Heritage

Flight from Famine
The Coming of the Irish to Canada