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Purple Springs

by (author) Nellie Lillian McClung

Christie Seigneuries

Estate Management and Settlement in the Upper Richelieu Valley, 1760-1854

by (author) Françoise Noël

Sensitive Independence

Canadian Methodist Women Missionaries in Canada and the Orient, 1881-1925

by (author) Rosemary R. Gagan

A Sensitive Independence

Canadian Methodist Women Missionaries in Canada and the Orient, 1881-1925

by (author) Rosemary R. Gagan

The Christie Seigneuries

Estate Management and Settlement in the Upper Richelieu Valley, 1760-1854

by (author) Françoise Noël

Nineteenth-Century Cape Breton

A Historical Geography

by (author) Stephen J. Hornsby

The Contexts of Acadian History, 1686-1784

by (author) Naomi E.S. Griffiths

Contexts of Acadian History, 1686-1784

by (author) Naomi E.S. Griffiths

Downright Upright

A History of the Canadian Piano Industry

by (author) Wayne Kelly

Serving the Present Age

Revivalism, Progressivism, and the Methodist Tradition in Canada

by (author) Phyllis D. Airhart

Harriet Brooks

Pioneer Nuclear Scientist

by (author) Marelene F. Rayner-Canham & Geoffrey W. Rayner-Canham

Shades of Right

Nativist and Fascist Politics in Canada, 1920-1940

by (author) Martin Robin

A Full House and Fine Singing

Diaries and Letters of Sadie Harper Allen

by (author) Mary Biggar Peck

School Days

The One-Room Schools of Maritime Canada

by (author) George Peabody

The Fraser Valley

A History

by (author) John A. Cherrington

Northwest Coast, The

British Navigation, Trade and Discoveries to 1812

by (author) Barry M. Gough

The Forgotten North

A History of Canada's Provincial Norths

by (author) Ken S. Coates & Bill Morrison

Coal in our Blood

200 Years of Coal Mining in Nova Scotia's Pictou County

by (author) Judith Hoegg Ryan

Once Upon a Schooner

A Foreign Voyage In Bluenose II

by (author) Silver Donald Cameron

Harold Griffith

The Evolution of Modern Anaesthesia

by (author) Richard Bodman & Deirdre Gillies

Contact and Conflict

Indian-European Relations in British Columbia, 1774-1890 (2nd edition)

by (author) Robin Fisher

The Prairie West: Historical Readings

edited by R. Douglas Francis & Howard Palmer


edited by John E. Foster, Dick Harrison & I.S. MacLaren

Simcoe's Choice

Celebrating London's Bicentennial 1793-1993

edited by Guy St-Denis

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