Browse Books in General

Open Your Hearts
The Story of the Jewish War Orphans in Canada

Road to Now, The
A History of Blacks in Montreal

Stone Voices
Wartime Writings of Japanese Canadian Issei

Montreal of Yesterday
Jewish Life in Montreal 1900-1920

Canada Under Mulroney
An End-of-term Report

Renewing Our Days
Montreal Jews in the 20th Century

Lasting Impressions
A Short History of English Publishing in Quebec
I Volunteered
Canadian Vietnam Vets Remember

Passionate Debate, The
The Social and Politcal Ideas of Quebec Nationalism 1920-1945
Inuit Art
An Anthology

Last Steps To Freedom
The Evolution of Canadian Racism
Gold Diggers of the Klondike
Prostitution in Dawson City, Yukon, 1898-1908
Watch the Rope

Historic Dartmouth

Building the Bridge to PEI

Tracking Treasure
Historic Guide to Ross Bay Cemetery
Gabriola: Petroglyph Island

Vancouver's Society of Italians

Guiding Lights
BC's Lighthouses and Their Keepers
Maritime Book of Days, The
Land of the Red Soil

The Story of a Victorian Neighbourhood

Hell Island
Canadian Pilots and the 1942 Air Battle for Malta