Browse Books in General
At the Ocean's Edge
A History of Nova Scotia to Confederation
The Miramichi Fire
A History
Taking to the Streets
Crowds, Politics, and the Urban Experience in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Montreal
Taking to the Streets
Crowds Politics and the Urban Experience in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Montreal
Colonialism's Currency
Money, State, and First Nations in Canada, 1820-1950
Colonialism's Currency
Money State and First Nations in Canada 1820-1950
Pierre Trudeau's Darkest Hour
War Measures 1970
Canada In The World
Settler Capitalism and the Colonial Imagination
Cahiers Charlevoix 13
Études franco-ontariennes
The Long Run of the Wild River
Rum Tales
Down Home Yarns Around a Pot-Bellied Stove
The Canadian Labour Movement
A Short History
What Once Was Lost
The Blacksmith's Art in
Ce n'etait pas nous les sauvages
Le choc centre les civilisations europeennes et autochtones
Pathways of Reconciliation
Indigenous and Settler Approaches to Implementing the TRC's Calls to Action
Reinventing Bankruptcy Law
A History of the Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act
Rebels, Reds, Radicals
Rethinking Canada’s Left History
The Final Voyage of the Valencia
The Golden Boy of Crime
The Almost Certainly True Story of Norman "Red" Ryan
Peculiar Lessons
How Nature and the Material World Shaped a Prairie Childhood
Toronto's Lost Villages
Beyond the Trees
A Journey Alone Across Canada's Arctic
The Life of BC's Legendary Packer
Partisan Odysseys
Canada's Political Parties