Browse Books in General

Settling In
First Homes on the Prairies

Idleness, Water, and a Canoe
Reflections on Paddling for Pleasure

From Hope to Harris
The Reshaping of Ontario's Schools

With Unshakeable Persistence
Rural Teachers of the Depression Era

Outlaws of the Canadian West

Pacific Empires
Essays in Honour of Glyndwr Williams

Bastards & Boneheads
Canada's Glorious Leaders Past and Present

Yellowknife Journal, The

A History of Domestic Space
Privacy and the Canadian Home

Memoirs of a Criminal Court Judge

Canada's Big House
The Dark History of the Kingston Penitentiary

Homemade Fun Games & Pastimes

Carabins ou activistes?
L'idéalism et la radicalisation de la pensée étudiante à l'Université de Montréal au temps du Duplessisme

Weariness, the Fever, and the Fret
The Campaign against Tuberculosis in Canada, 1900-1950

West of Darkness
A Stubble-Jumper in Striped Pants
Memoirs of a Prairie Diplomat

Circles of Time
Aboriginal Land Rights and Resistance in Ontario

Circles of Time
Aboriginal Land Rights and Resistance in Ontario

Families in Transition
Industry and Population in Nineteenth-Century Saint-Hyacynthe

Boom Town Blues: Elliot Lake
Collapse and Revival in a Single-Industry Community

An Edmonton Album
Glimpses of the Way We Were

Guardians of the Wild
A History of the Warden Service of Canada's National Parks

Tangled Webs of History
Indians and the Law in Canada's Pacific Coast Fisheries