Browse Books in General
Sounds of Ethnicity
Listening to German North America, 1850 - 1914
Chanting Denied Shores
The Komagata Maru Narrative
Toronto's Visual Legacy
Official City Photography from 1856 to the Present
True Patriot Love
Four Generations In Search Of Canada
How the Blacks Created Canada
Caregiving on the Periphery
Historical Perspectives on Nursing and Midwifery in Canada
Halifax Warden of the North (Updated Edition)
Coal Black Heart
The Story of Coal and Lives it Ruled
Buckaroos and Mud Pups
The Early Days of Ranching in British Columbia
The Golden Dream
A History of the St. Lawrence Seaway
Buried in the Woods
Plants of Haida Gwaii
A Country Nourished on Self-Doubt
Documents in Post-Confederation Canadian History, Third Edition
The Empire Within
Postcolonial Thought and Political Activism in Sixties Montreal
Alligators of the North
The Story of the West & Peachey Steam Warping Tugs
On the Art of Being Canadian
One of the Boys, Second Edition
Homosexuality in the Military during World War II
One of the Boys
Homosexuality in the Military during World War II, Second Edition
Cheadle's Journal Of Trip Across Canada
Peter O'Reilly
The Rise Of A Reluctant Immigrant
Rebel Women of the West Coast
Their Triumphs, Tragedies and Lasting Legacies
Into Deep Waters
Evangelical Spirituality and Maritime Calvinistic Baptist Ministers, 1790-1855
Shouting, Embracing, and Dancing with Ecstasy
The Growth of Methodism in Newfoundland, 1774-1874
La création de l'École de médecine du Nord de l'Ontario
Une étude de cas dans l'histoire de la formation médicale