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Browse Books in Fiction

King Jerry

by (author) David Arnason


by (author) Barb Howard

The Case of the Reluctant Agent

A Sherlock Holmes Mystery

by (author) Tracy Cooper-Posey

The Whole Wide World

by (author) Robert Lalonde

Three of a Kind

by (author) John Moore

The Captain and the Girl

by (author) Earl B. Pilgrim

On earth as it is

by (author) Steven Heighton

Fotheringham's Fictionary of Facts and Follie

by (author) Allan Fotheringham

The Biggest Modern Woman Of World

by (author) Susan Swan

Critical Injuries

A Novel

by (author) Joan Barfoot

Our Canadian Girl Rachel #1 a Mighty Big Imagining

A Mighty Big Imagining

by (author) Lynne Kositsky

Our Canadian Girl Marie Claire #1 Dark Spring

by (author) Kathy Stinson

Our Canadian Girl Penelope #1 Terror in the Harbour

Terror In The Harbour

by (author) Sharon E. McKay

Our Canadian Girl Emily #1 Across The James Bay Bridge

Across The James Bay Bridge

by (author) Julie Lawson

Le Carré's Landscape

by (author) Tod Hoffman

Where She Was Standing

by (author) Maggie Helwig

Skating The Edge

by (author) Calvin Daniels

Candy on the Edge

by (author) Don Kerr

Billy Tinker

by (author) Harold Johnson

Hearth Wild

post cardiac banff

by (author) Charles Noble

Ten Good Seconds of Silence

A novel

by (author) Elizabeth Ruth

The Icing on the Corpse

A Camilla MacPhee Mystery

by (author) Mary Jane Maffini

Anxious Gravity

A Novel

by (author) Jeff Wells

The Last Hand

A Charlie Salter Mystery

by (author) Eric Wright

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