Browse Books in Fiction


Failure to Thrive

The Wild Ways
The Christmas Secret

These Ties That Bind
Lead Me On

As Long as the Rivers Flow

Courting Miss Vallois

The Cuffer Anthology, Volume III
A Selection of Short Fiction from Newfoundland and Labrador

The Bloodlight Chronicles Bundle
Includes Book 1: Reconciliation and Book 2: Retribution

The Clare Vengel Undercover Mysteries Bundle
Includes Dead Politician Society and Death Plays Poker

Fear of Landing

Flowers of Spit


Lingering Tide
and other stories

Hang Down Your Head
A Randy Craig Mystery


Narthex and Other Stories

A Killer's Christmas in Wales
A Penny Brannigan Mystery

Holiday Fantasy
An Anthology

The Snow Angel

Picasso Blues
A Ray Tate and Djuna Brown Mystery
