Browse Books in Philosophy & Social Aspects
Keeping the Public in Public Education
Valences of Interdisciplinarity
Theory, Practice, Pedagogy
Brave New Teachers
Doing Social Justice Work in Neoliberal Times
Youth, Language, and Identity
Portraits of Students from English-language High Schools in the Montreal Area
More Money Than Brains
Why School Sucks, College is Crap, & Idiot Think They're Right
Weapons of Mass Instruction (PDF)
A Schoolteacher's Journey Through the Dark World of Compulsory Schooling
Love the Questions
University Education and Enlightenment
Education and Jobs
Exploring the Gaps
Canada's Universities Go Global
Hiding Places
The End of Ignorance
Multiplying Our Human Potential
Francophonie, minorités et pédagogie
Roots of Empathy
Changing the World, Child by Child
Recherche en éducation en milieu minoritaire francophone
Peter Strawson
Education, Globalization, and Social Change
Philosophy of Foucault
Planet U
Sustaining the World, Reinventing the University
The Educational Legacy of Romanticism
Humanities in the Present Day
Against the New Authoritarianism
Politics After Abu Ghraib
The Rivers North of the Future
Babel and the Ivory Tower
The Scholar in the Age of Science
Educational Outcomes for the Canadian Workplace
New Frameworks for Policy and Research