Browse Books in History
Always Remember Who You Are
Educationalization and Its Complexities
Religion, Politics, and Technology
In Search of Light
The Blue and White
A Record of Fifty Years of Athletic Endeavour and the University of Toronto
The New University
Authorization of Textbooks for the Schools of Ontario 1846-1950
A History of the University of Trinity College 1852-1952
Protestant Church Colleges in Canada
A History
The Eighth President of the University of Toronto
Forestry Education at Toronto
Captive Audience
How Corporations Invaded Our Schools
A Class by Themselves?
The Origins of Special Education in Toronto and Beyond
The Making of a University
Military Education and the British Empire, 1815–1949
Teachers of the Foothills Province
The Story of The Alberta Teachers' Association
University College
A Portrait, 1853-1953
On Higher Education
Five Lectures
Harold Adams Innis
Portrait of a Scholar
Quiet Evolution
A Study of the Educational System of Ontario
Sidney Earle Smith
Postsecondary Education in British Columbia
Public Policy and Structural Development, 1960–2015
Chaos to Canvas
Transforming Conversations
Feminism and Education in Canada since 1970
Dalhousie University
A 200th Anniversary Portrait