Browse Books in Curricula

I am Connected Teacher Lesson Plan

Design for Learning
Reports Submitted to the Joint Committee of the Toronto Board of Education and the University of Toronto

My Little Ogichidaa Teacher Lesson Plan

The Seventh Direction Teacher Lesson Plan

Teaching Where You Are
Weaving Indigenous and Slow Principles and Pedagogies

Shakespeare's Guide to Hope, Life, and Learning

Properties of Energy for Grades 3-5
An Inquiry Approach

Smallest Circles First
Exploring Teacher Reconciliatory Praxis through Drama Education

Pop Culture and Power
Teaching Media Literacy for Social Justice

Hope in a Collapsing World
Youth, Theatre, and Listening as a Political Alternative
Visioning a Mi'kmaw Humanities
Indigenizing the Academy

Simulations and Student Learning

Embracing Math
Cultivating a Mindset for Exploring and Learning
The Humanities in Canada
Forestry Education at Toronto

New Designs for Learning
Highlights of the Reports of the Ontario Curriculum Institute, 1963-1966

Design for Learning
Reports Submitted to the Joint Committee of the Toronto Board of Education and the University of Toronto
Educator's Guide to Read, Listen, Tell

New Designs for Learning
Highlights of the Reports of the Ontario Curriculum Institute, 1963-1966

Caillou, Où est mon chat?
Lis avec Caillou - Niveau 1

Caillou, Jouons au cirque!
Lis avec Caillou - Niveau 3

Becoming a History Teacher
Sustaining Practices in Historical Thinking and Knowing

Shaping Academia for the Public Good
Critical Reflections on the CHSRF/CIHR Chair Program