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Gaming the Metrics

Misconduct and Manipulation in Academic Research

edited by Mario Biagioli & Alexandra Lippman

Teaching Tough Topics

How do I use children's literature to build a deeper understanding of social justice, equity and diversity?

by (author) Larry Swartz

Reconceptualizing Teacher Education

A Canadian Contribution to a Global Challenge

edited by Anne Phelan, William Pinar, Nicholas Ng-A-Fook & Ruth Kane

Hands-On Social Studies for Ontario, Grade 6

An Inquiry Approach

by (author) Jennifer E. Lawson

Surviving the City Teacher Guide

by (author) Christine M'Lot

Rico a la rescousse

by (author) Corinne Fenton

Le recyclage

by (author) Anne Giulieri

Les voyages de Picou avec Marco Polo

by (author) Nancy Harris

Finish Strong Grade 6

by (author) Demetra Turnbull & Wendy Scavuzzo

Finish Strong Grade 4

by (author) Demetra Turnbull & Wendy Scavuzzo

Home Feelings

Liberal Citizenship and the Canadian Reading Camp Movement

by (author) Jody Mason

Leading in a Culture of Change

by (author) Michael Fullan

Knowings and Knots

Methodologies and Ecologies in Research-Creation

edited by Natalie Loveless

Too Many Goodbyes: The Diaries of Susan Garfield

Memoirs of Holocaust Survivors from Hungary

by (author) Susan Garfield

Knowing the Past, Facing the Future

Indigenous Education in Canada

edited by Sheila Carr-Stewart

Research in Outdoor Education

Volume 17

edited by Tim O'Connell & Garrett Hutson

Animalphabetical Adventures

by (author) Kinga White

The How and Wow of Teaching

Quick ideas for mastering any classroom situation effectively, efficiently, and enthusiastically

by (author) Kathy Paterson

The Sisters of Our Lady of the Missions

From Ultramontane Origins to a New Cosmology

by (author) Rosa Bruno-Jofré

Contextualizing Openness

Situating Open Science

edited by Leslie Chan, Angela Okune, Becky Hillyer, Denisse Albornoz & Alejandro Posada
contributions by Apiwat Ratanawaraha, Najat Saliba, Salma N. Talhouk, Josique Lorenzo, Denisa Kera, Hermen Huang, Cameron Neylon, Dora Ann Lange Canhos, Vanderlei Perez Canhos, Sidnei de Souza, Lila Rao-Graham, Maurice McNaughton, Maurice Bolo, Dorine Odongo, Cathy Traynor, Valeria Arza, Mariano Fressoli, Pablo Kreimer, Hugo Ferpozzi, Halla Thorsteinsdottir, Sarita Albagli, Henrique Parra, Florence Piron, Dieyi Diouf, Thomas Hervé Mboa Nkoudou, Aline Rosset, Azamat Isakov, Irene Agrivine, Mahmoud Al Hindi, Judicaël Alladatin, Victor Awino, Bilimbek Azhibekov, Rima Baalbaki, Viviana Benavides, Leonor Costa Maia, Marie Sophie Dibounje Madiba, Felipe Fonseca, Laura Foster, Serine Haydar, Aliya Ibraimova, Altyn Kapalova, Sammy Kayed, Wassim Kays, Juan Layna, Maria Lucia Maciel, Pierre Anderson, Hamissou Rhissa Achaffert, John Mario Rodríguez, Leandro Rodríguez Medina, Tobias Schonwetter, Tommy Surya, Emiliano Martín Valdez & Hebe Vessuri

Résistances, mobilisations et contestations

L’Association canadienne-française de l’Ontario (1910-2006)

edited by Michel Bock & Yves Frenette
contributions by Gratien Allaire, Serge Dupuis, Mariève Forest, Anne Gilbert & Marcel Martel

Grand Conversations, Thoughtful Responses

A Unique Approach to Literature Circles

by (author) Faye Brownlie
foreword by Leyton Schnellert

Digital Life Skills for Youth

A Guide for Parents, Guardians, and Educators

by (author) Angela Crocker


A Photo Series

by (author) K.C. Adams
foreword by Katherena Vermette
other primary creator Cathy Mattes

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