Browse Books in General
Mighty Carlins and Other Plays, The
The Mystery Play
Coyote City / Big Buck City
Two Plays (Exile Classics Series: Number Twenty-Nine)
The Heresy of Wu Han
His play 'Hai Jui's Dismissal' and its role in China's Cultural Revolution
The Bombay Plays
Trance Speakers
Femininity and Authorship in Spiritual Séances, 1850-1930
Huff & Stitch
Skin Flick
Two Plays by Karen Hines, Crawlspace and All The Little Animals I Have Eaten
The Heresy of Wu Han
His play 'Hai Jui's Dismissal' and its role in China's Cultural Revolution
Fritz Bennewitz in India
Intercultural Theatre with Brecht and Shakespeare
Dramaturgy of Sound in the Avant-garde and Postdramatic Theatre
Spectacle of Empire
Marc Lescarbot's Theatre of Neptune in New France
Kill Me Now
Little Death
The Oxford Handbook of the Georgian Theatre 1737-1832
Fault Lines
Greenland – Iceland – Faroe Islands
Fault Lines
Three Plays: Greenland - Iceland - Faroe Islands