Browse Books in Canadian

In Gabriel's Kitchen

Hippies and Bolsheviks
and Other Plays

Acting Out
Scenes and Monologues from Theatre Direct Productions for Youth

Jenny's House of Joy

Automatic Pilot

Carole Fréchette: Two Plays
Helen's Necklace and John and Beatrice

Finger of Fate

Bedtime Stories

Hellfire Pass
A Carpenter's Trilogy, A Chronicle in Three Plays, Part One


Blacks Don't Bowl
Transit of Venus

Stay Black & Die

Danny, King of the Basement
Revised Second Edition

What Lies Before Us

Dear Boss

Anthology of Quebec Women's Plays in English Translation Volume Two

Two Steps from the Stars

Anthology of Quebec Women's Plays in English Translation Volume One

Love and Human Remains

The Butcher's Apron
a dream play comedy

Enoch Arden in the Hope Shelter
Based on Tennyson's Enoch Arden and the melodrama by Richard Strauss

He Speaks
Monologues for Men