Browse Books in Canadian

Metastasis and other plays

Saskatoon Pie

The Carpenter



Albertine in Five Times

East of Berlin

Leaving Home, Of the Fields, Lately, and Salt-Water Moon
Three Mercer Plays

The Shakespeare's Mine
Adapting Shakespeare in Anglophone Canada

Theatre Histories

Design and Scenography

Love and Relasianships Volume 2
A Collection of Contemporary Asian-Canadian Drama

Love and Relasianships Volume 1
A Collection of Contemporary Asian-Canadian Drama

Developing Nation
New Play Creation in English-Speaking Canada

The Drowning Girls and Comrades

A Certain William
Adapting Shakespeare in Francophone Canada

Talking Masks
a play
And Up They Flew

Innocence Lost
A Play about Stephen Truscott
The Selkie Wife

Triple Play: Three Plays by Norm Foster