Browse Books in Canadian
Live Bird in its Jaws, A
Hungry Spirit
Yesterday the Children Were Dancing /tp
Six Canadian Plays
Writing with Our Feet
The Dunsmuirs
A Promise Kept
The Magnificent Voyage of Emiy Carr
Les Belles Soeurs
The CTR Anthology
Fifteen Plays from Canadian Theatre Review
Canada Split
A Flush of Tories & Rexy!
The CTR Anthology
Fifteen Plays from Canadian Theatre Review
Princess Pocahontas Blue Spots
And the Blue Spots
Of the Fields, Lately
Fragments from the Big Piece
a play
Playwrights of Collective Creation
The Canadian Dramatist Volume 2
The Darling Family
A Duet for Three
Joe Beef
The Dunsmuirs
Alone at the Edge
La Maison Suspendue
One Whole Day beside a Pond
Toronto at Dreamer's Rock - Education is Our Right
Fair Play
Twelve Women Speak: Conversations With Canadian Playwrights
Behind the Scenes
Volume 2