Browse Books in Native American

Mitji–Let’s Eat!
Mi’kmaq Recipes from Sikniktuk

Mitji-Let's Eat!
Mi'kmaq Recipes from Sikniktuk

Nirjutit Imaani: Edible Animals of the Sea
Cooking with Fish and Seal

Fresh, Local and Delicious
Dishes from Mi’kma’ki and around the world from Kiju’s Restaurant in Membertou

Nirjutit Imaani: Edible Animals of the Sea
Recipes and Stories from Across Nunavut

A Cookbook from Igloolik

Progressive Indigenous Cuisine


Indian Fishing
Early Methods on the Northwest Coast, 40th Anniversary Edition

Cooking with the Wolfman
Indigenous Fusion

Native Recipes from the Grandmothers

First Nations Recipes
a selection from coast to coast

Modern Native Feasts
Healthy, Innovative, Sustainable Cuisine

A Feast for All Seasons
Traditional Native Peoples' Cuisine