Browse Books in History

The Lost Supper
Searching for the Future of Food in the Tastes of the Past
French Taste in Atlantic Canada 1604-1758
A Gastronomic History (pb)

Out of Old Ontario Kitchens (pb)

Mitji–Let’s Eat!
Mi’kmaq Recipes from Sikniktuk

Mitji-Let's Eat!
Mi'kmaq Recipes from Sikniktuk

Food Mobilities
Making World Cuisines

The Lost Supper
Searching for the Future of Food in the Flavors of the Past

Recipes for Murder
66 Dishes That Celebrate the Mysteries of Agatha Christie

Where We Ate
A Field Guide to Canada's Restaurants, Past and Present

Eating the Ocean
Seafood and Consumer Culture in Canada

What We Talk About When We Talk About Dumplings

Handcrafted & Wholesome

Dulse to Donairs
An Irreverent History of Food in Nova Scotia

Caesar Country
Cocktails, Clams & Canada

Exploring the World of Japanese Craft Sake
Rice, Water, Earth

The Viennese Kitchen: 10th Anniversary Edition
Tante Hertha's Book of Family Recipes

How a New World Commodity Conquered Spanish Literature

How a New World Commodity Conquered Spanish Literature

Ontario Picnics
A Century of Dining Outdoors

Basilicata Secrets
A Culinary Journey

Mrs Dalgairns's Kitchen
Rediscovering "The Practice of Cookery"

Book of Donair
Everything you wanted to know about the Halifax street food that became Canada's favourite kebab

La Varenne's Cookery
The French Cook; The French Pastry Chef; The French Confectioner

Lost Feast
Culinary Extinction and the Future of Food