Browse Books in Computer Science
Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications
5th International Symposium, ISPA 2007, Niagara Falls, Canada, August 29-31, 2007, Proceedings
Unconventional Computation
6th International Conference, UC 2007, Kingston, Canada, August 13-17, 2007, Proceedings
Abstraction, Reformulation, and Approximation
7th International Symposium, SARA 2007, Whistler, Canada, July 18-21, 2007, Proceedings
Computing and Combinatorics
13th Annual International Conference, COCOON 2007, Banff, Canada, July 16-19, 2007, Proceedings
Combinatorial Pattern Matching
18th Annual Symposium, CPM 2007, London, Canada, July 9-11, 2007, Proceedings
Practical Optimization
Algorithms and Engineering Applications
From After Effects to Flash
Poetry in Motion Graphics
Topics in Geometry, Coding Theory and Cryptography
Pro Asp.Net 2.0 in C# 2005, Special Edition
Fm 2006
Formal Methods: 14th International Symposium on Formal Methods, Hamilton, Canada, August 21-27, 2006, Proceedin: 14th International Symposium on Formal Methods, Hamilton, Canada, August 21-27, 2006, Proceedings
DNA Computing
11th International Workshop on DNA Computing, DNA11, London, ON, Canada, June 6-9, 2005. Revised Selected Papers.
Applied Probability and Statistics
Image Analysis and Recognition
Second International Conference, ICIAR 2005, Toronto, Canada, September 28-30, 2005, Proceedings
Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing
10th International Conference, RSFDGrC 2005, Regina, Canada, August 31 - September 2, 2005, Proceedings, Part II
Pro Dns and Bind
Artificial Immune Systems
4th International Conference, ICARIS 2005, Banff, Alberta, Canada, August 14-17, 2005, Proceedings
Algorithms and Data Structures
9th International Workshop, WADS 2005, Waterloo, Canada, August 15-17, 2005, Proceedings
Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux
Transactions on Rough Sets III
System Analysis and Modeling
4th International SDL and MSC Workshop, SAM 2004, Ottawa, Canada, June 1-4, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Guide to RISC Processors
for Programmers and Engineers
Implementation and Application of Automata
9th International Conference, CIAA 2004, Kingston, Canada, July 22-24, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
Information Hiding
6th International Workshop, IH 2004, Toronto, Canada, May 23-25, 2004, Revised Selected Papers
The Semantic Web - ISWC 2004
Third International Semantic Web Conference, Hiroshima, Japan, November 7-11, 2004. Proceedings