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Browse Books in Historical Fiction

Revolution by Fire

New York's Afro-Irish Uprising of 1741, a Graphic Novel

illustrated by David Lester
by (author) Marcus Rediker
contributions by Paul Buhle

Nottingham Vol. 3

by (author) David Hazan
illustrated by Shane Connery Volk

Nottingham #15

by (author) David Hazan
illustrated by Shane Connery Volk
colorist Luca Romano
letterer Justin Birch

Nottingham #14

by (author) David Hazan
illustrated by Shane Connery Volk
colorist Luca Romano
letterer Justin Birch

Nottingham Vol. 1: Muerte e Impuestos

(Nottingham Vol. 1: Death and Taxes Spanish Edition)

by (author) David Hazan
illustrated by Shane Connery Volk
translated by Giovanna T. Orozco

Nottingham #12

by (author) David Hazan
illustrated by Shane Connery Volk

The Cannibal

by (author) Louise Flaherty & Solomon Awa
illustrated by Raphael Ter-Stephanov

Five Stalks of Grain

by (author) Adrian Lysenko
illustrated by Ivanka Theodosia Galadza

Oni Ronin

created by Mack Flavelle
by (author) Kohei Nagamine
illustrated by Tatsubi
producer Manabu Seko & Keojimal

Piat koloskiv

by (author) Adrian Lysenko
illustrated by Ivanka Theodosia Galadza
translated by Elina Neroevska-Veles

Piat koloskiv

by (author) Adrian Lysenko
illustrated by Ivanka Theodosia Galadza
translated by Elina Neroevska-Veles

Tales From Nottingham GN

by (author) David Hazan, Everts, Cooper, Essex, Becton & Visaggio
illustrated by Volk, Puerta, Magat, Serra, Bertoni & Victor Santos

40 Men and 12 Rifles

Indochina 1954

by (author) Marcelino Truong
translated by David Homel

Under the Banner of King Death

Pirates of the Atlantic, a Graphic Novel

illustrated by David Lester
by (author) Marcus Rediker
contributions by Paul Buhle

Tales from Nottingham #1

by (author) David Hazan
illustrated by Shane Connery Volk

Nottingham Vol. 2

A King's Ransom

by (author) David Hazan
illustrated by Shane Connery Volk

Five Stalks of Grain

by (author) Adrian Lysenko
illustrated by Ivanka Theodosia Galadza

Lullaby for Vivian

by (author) Ashis Gupta
illustrated by Alexiev Gandman

Nottingham #10

by (author) David Hazan
illustrated by Shane Connery Volk

Nottingham #9

by (author) David Hazan
illustrated by Shane Connery Volk

Nottingham #8

by (author) David Hazan
illustrated by Shane Connery Volk

Nottingham #7

by (author) David Hazan
illustrated by Shane Connery Volk

Nottingham #6

by (author) David Hazan
illustrated by Shane Connery Volk

The Rooming House

The West Coast in the Seventies

by (author) Michael Kluckner

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