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Feast of Fields

by (artist) Sean Karemaker

The Little World of Humongo Bongo

by (author) George A. Romero

Snotgirl Volume 2: California Screaming

by (author) Bryan Lee O'Malley
illustrated by Leslie Hung


Two Suitcases and a Stroller Around the Circumpolar World

by (artist) Alison McCreesh

Curse of Charley Butters

by (artist) Zach Worton

First Year Out

A Transition Story

by (author) Sabrina Symington

War of the Blink

by (author) Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas

Case of the Missing Men, The

by (author) Kris Bertin
by (artist) Alexander Forbes


by (author) Thom

It's Treason, by George!

by (author) Chris Kientz & Steve Hockensmith
illustrated by Lee Nielsen

Assassin's Creed: Uprising Vol. 1: Common Ground

by (author) Alex Paknadel & Dan Watters
illustrated by Jose Holder

The H.M.S. Bad Idea

by (author) Peter Chiykowski

The Lady ParaNorma

by (author) Vincent Marcone

Fourscore Phantasmagores

by (author) Rupert Bottenberg

Gary: King of the Pickup Artists

King of the Pickup Artists

illustrated by Luc Bossé
by (author) Alexandre Simard

Hard Core Logo

Portrait of a Thousand Punks Anniversary Edition

by (author) Nick Craine
introduction by Lynn Crosbie

Bounty Volume 1

by (author) Kurtis Wiebe
illustrated by Mindy Lee & Leonardo Olea

Snotgirl Volume 1: Green Hair Don't Care

by (author) Bryan Lee O'Malley
by (artist) Leslie Hung


by (author) Michel Hellman

Portraits of Violence

An Illustrated History of Radical Thinking

by (author) Brad Evans & Sean Michael Wilson
illustrated by Carl Thompson, Robert Brown, Mike Medaglia & Chris Mackenzie

Palace of Champions, The

by (artist) Henriette Valium
translated by Peter Dube

Lake Jehovah

by (artist) Jillian Fleck

Claws and Effect

by (author) Chris Kientz & Steve Hockensmith
illustrated by Lee Nielsen

Going Under

by (author) Zviane
translated by Helge Dascher

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