Browse Books in Devotional & Prayer Showing 5 books Show Available now Forthcoming Sort by Most Recent Alphabetical Before I Go To Sleep Bible Stories, Poems, and Prayers for Children by (author) Ann Pilling illustrated by Kady MacDonald Denton Ages 4 to 7 Grades p to 2 Prières avant le coucher by (author) Cristina Marques translated by Yvon Métras Auntie, How Do You Talk to God? by (author) Debbie Kosabek illustrated by Susana McGuire Ages 3 to 8 Grades p to 3 God Bless A Goodnight Prayer and Memory Book illustrated by Mary Sawatzky Ages 2 to 8 Grades p to 3 The Night There was Thunder and Stuff by (author) Cynthia Boldt illustrated by Margaret Kyle Ages 4 to 6 Grades p to 1