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Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction

Love Ya Like a Sister

A Story of Friendship

edited by Julie Johnston

School from A to Z

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

The United States from A to Z

by (author) Bobbie Kalman & Kate Calder

The Earth from A to Z

by (author) Bobbie Kalman & John Crossingham

Christmas Long Ago from A to Z

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

Canada from A to Z

by (author) Bobbie Kalman & Niki Walker

Mexico from A to Z

by (author) Bobbie Kalman & Jane Lewis

What is a Primate?

by (author) Bobbie Kalman & Heather Levigne

Boomtowns of the West

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

Bandannas, Chaps, and Ten-Gallon Hats

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

Homes of the West

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

What is a Dinosaur?

by (author) Niki Walker & Bobbie Kalman

Who Settled the West?

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

The Railroad

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

The Gold Rush

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

Quennu and the Cave Bear

by (author) Marie Day


by (author) Carlotta Hacker

Alexander Graham Bell

by (author) A. Roy Petrie

Lucy Maud Montgomery

by (author) Mollie Gillen

Louis Riel

by (author) Rosemary Neering


The Early Years of Harvesting

by (author) Faye Reineberg Holt

The Great Depression - The Winter Years Set

by (author) Pierre Berton & James Gray

Grow It Again

by (author) Elizabeth MacLeod
illustrated by Caroline Price

Earthlings Inside and Out

A Space Alien Studies the Human Body

by (author) Valerie Wyatt
illustrated by Dusan Petricic

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