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Browse Books in Children's Nonfiction

Baby Porcupine

by (author) Aubrey Lang
photographs by Wayne Lynch

A Dangerous Engine

Benjamin Franklin, from Scientist to Diplomat

by (author) Joan Dash
illustrated by Dusan Petricic

A is for Axel

An Ice Skating Alphabet

by (author) Kurt Browning
illustrated by Melanie Rose

Bilingual Kids: English-Spanish, vol. 4, Resource Book

by (author) Diana Isaza

Spanish for Kids: Beginning Lessons, Resource Book

by (author) Diana Isaza

Spanish for Kids: Thematic Lessons, Resource Book

by (author) Diana Isaza

Bilingual Kids: English-Spanish, vol. 3, Resource Book

by (author) Diana Isaza

John Ware

by (author) Ian Hundey

Bilingual Songs: English-Spanish, vol. 3, CD/Book Kit

by (author) Diana Isaza-Shelton & Sara Jordan

Bilingual Songs: English-Spanish, vol. 4, CD/Book Kit

by (author) Diana Isaza-Shelton & Sara Jordan

Bilingual Songs: English-Spanish, vol. 3, Audio CD

by (author) Diana Isaza-Shelton & Sara Jordan

Bilingual Songs: English-Spanish, vol. 4, Audio CD

by (author) Diana Isaza-Shelton & Sara Jordan

The Dreadful Truth: Building the Railway

by (author) Ted Staunton
illustrated by Brian Goff

Guyness Deal With It

Deal with it body and soul

by (author) Steve Pitt
illustrated by Steven Murray

Girlness Deal With It

Deal with it body and soul

by (author) Diane Peters
illustrated by Steven Murray

Caring for a Colony

The Story of Jeanne Mance

by (author) Joanna Emery

Les rorquals

by (author) Bobbie Kalman & Karuna Thal

¿Qué son las plantas?

by (author) Bobbie Kalman

Samuel de Champlain: From New France to Cape Cod

by (author) Adrianna Morganelli

Sieur de La Salle: New World Adventurer

by (author) John Zronik

Ferdinand Magellan: Circumnavigating the World

by (author) Katharine Bailey

The Biography of Chocolate

by (author) Adrianna Morganelli

The Biography of Cotton

by (author) Carrie Gleason

The Biography of Bananas

by (author) Rachel Eagen

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