Browse Books in Games Showing 11 books Show Available now Forthcoming Sort by Most Recent Alphabetical Team Park by (author) Angela Ahn Ages 9 to 12 Grades 4 to 7 David Jumps In by (author) Alan Woo illustrated by Katty Maurey Ages 4 to 7 Grades p to 2 Rising Star (Cross Ups, Book 3) by (author) Sylv Chiang illustrated by Connie Choi Ages 9 to 18 Grades 4 to 12 Anyone's Game (Cross Ups, Book 2) by (author) Sylv Chiang illustrated by Connie Choi Ages 10 to 18 Grades 5 to 12 Wild Cards by (author) Jeff Szpirglas illustrated by Dave Whamond Resources Resources Ages 6 to 8 Grades 1 to 3 Caillou, Olympiques entre amis adapted by Kim Thompson illustrated by Eric Sevigny Ages 3 to 6 Grades p to k Sport-O-Rama illustrated by Benoit Tardif Ages 3 to 7 Grades p to 2 Emma's New Game by (author) Gerald Mercer illustrated by Jillian Nicol Ages 5 to 10 Grades 3 to 5 Caillou: Something Is Missing by (author) Fabien Savary & Isabelle Vadeboncoeur illustrated by Pierre Brignaud Ages 0 Grades p to 12 Play On by (author) Sandra Diersch Ages 10 to 13 Grades 4 to 8 Chess for Children by (author) Murray Chandler & Helen Milligan illustrated by Cindy McCluskey Ages 5 to 12 Grades k to 7