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Browse Books in Beginner

Je peux lire! Niveau 1 : J'aime Pâques!

illustrated by Hans Wilhelm

Je peux lire! Niveau 1 : J'aime la Saint-Valentin!

illustrated by Hans Wilhelm

New Shoes

by (author) Susan Burroughs

It's Not about the Rose!

Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales

by (author) Veronika Martenova Charles
illustrated by David Parkins

It's Not about the Crumbs!

Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales

by (author) Veronika Martenova Charles
illustrated by David Parkins

It's Not about the Pumpkin!

Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales

by (author) Veronika Martenova Charles
illustrated by David Parkins

It's Not about the Apple!

Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales

by (author) Veronika Martenova Charles
illustrated by David Parkins

It's Not about the Hunter!

Easy-to-Read Wonder Tales

by (author) Veronika Martenova Charles
illustrated by David Parkins

Orca Echoes Collection

edited by Orca Book Publishers

Flock of Shoes

by (author) Sarah Tsiang
illustrated by Qin Leng

Flock of Shoes, A

by (author) Sarah Tsiang
illustrated by Qin Leng

Pierre et les pirates

by (author) Russell Punter
illustrated by Kate Sheppard

Princesse Polly et le poney

by (author) Susanna Davidson
illustrated by Dave Hill

Je peux lire! Niveau 1 : Je n'aime pas les chats

illustrated by Hans Wilhelm

Celebrate Canada through Readers' Theatre: Louis Riel and the Red River Colony (10 copies)

by (author) Myra Junyk

Celebrate Canada through Readers' Theatre: Dayohagwenda and the Corn Spirit (8 copies)

by (author) Claude Belanger

Celebrate Canada through Readers' Theatre: 1867: The Journey Begins! (12 copies)

by (author) Ron Benson

Celebrate Canada through Readers' Theatre: The Men in Sheepskin Coats (11 copies)

by (author) Myra Junyk

Celebrate Canada through Readers' Theatre: Thanadelthur: Peacemaker of the Chipewyan (7 copies)

by (author) Claude Belanger

Celebrate Canada through Readers' Theatre: Canada's Constitution Comes Home (10 copies)

by (author) Myra Junyk

Les crêpes de papa

by (author) Shari Schwartz, Tomassini Helen & Linda Widenmaier

Les crêpes de papa (emballage de 6)

by (author) Shari Schwartz, Tomassini Helen & Linda Widenmaier

Sunday in Kyoto

by (author) Gilles Vigneault
illustrated by Stéphane Jorisch
other primary creator Patrick Watson & Coral Egan

Orca Echoes Collection with Resource Guide

edited by Orca Book Publishers

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