Browse Books in Media Tie-in

Franklin Is Lost

Caillou: Every Drop Counts
Caillou: My Family and Me

Caillou: When I Grow Up

Ghost Trackers
The Unreal World of Ghosts, Ghost-Hunting, and the Paranormal

Caillou: My Day Care Friends
Caillou: Where's Gilbert?

Caillou cherche son chat
Avec affiche à l'intérieur

Caillou: The Wolf
Caillou: A New Family
Caillou: A Day at the Farm
Caillou: A Special Guest
Caillou: A Nice Surprise

The Octonauts and the Great Ghost Reef
Caillou: Spend the Day with Me
Caillou: Makes a Snowman
Caillou: Puts Away His Toys
Caillou: And Rosie's Doll
Caillou: My Baby Album
Caillou: Sleeps Over
Caillou: Plans a Surprise

Caillou: Mon premier spectacle

Caillou: The Babysitter