Browse Books in Mice, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Etc.


Oh! Look, a Boat!

Orris and Timble: The Beginning

The Adventures of Spencer the Church Mouse

The Walk of the Field Mouse
A Picture Book

Emi & Mini

La souris qui portait une maison sur son dos

The Many Hats of Louie the Rat

Rat Race to Space

A Special Treat


Tanna's Lemming

Mes livres de bain - La routine du dodo

My Bath Books: Bedtime Routine

Lentil Soup

Peggy's Impossible Tale

Once Upon an Iceberg
Errol's Twillingate Adventure

Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express

One Winter Night

Will You Be my Bright Star?

Peanut Goes for the Gold


Naked Mole Rat Saves the World