Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Piper Reed, Forever Friend

Luz Makes a Splash

Golden Twine, The

Baba's Babushka (Easter)
A Magical Ukrainian Easter

Maggie's Chopsticks

Tooth Mouse, The

Canada in Words

Caillou: Happy Thanksgiving!

Mr. King's Things

Dinosaur Countdown

Stephen and the Beetle

Scaredy Squirrel at Night

This Dark Endeavour (with Bonus Material)
The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein

Peter Nimble and His Fantastic Eyes

Ava and the Little Folk

Just Say Boo!

Ten Thousand Truths

Island Of Doom

Welcome to Monster Town

Working Mummies

It's a Tiger!

Guys Read: The Trophy

Guys Read: The Sports Pages

A Deadly Distance Teachers' Guide
Dundurn Teachers' Guide